Mark Ferguson
Three friends hiking along the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. Ideally this image should include a fourth figure - me - but, as we know, the mere act of holding a camera demands we make a conscious switch from participant to photographer. As soon as I begin framing a shot I have to, by necessity, be a few steps removed.
Still, that's not a bad fence to straddle.
My career in education (as a high school television/film instructor) came with a great perk: summer vacations. I filled my June-through-August itineraries with road trips, mountain climbs and backpacking treks. My cameras of choice are a FujiFilm x100f and my ever-handy iPhone. These instruments do many things well, but capturing the vast grandeur of the world is not one of them, at least not to my satisfaction. Although I am drawn to the fire of photography, my pictures only hint at the marvels of this great planet.
Nevertheless, as you peruse these pages I hope you find images - be they of landscapes, people, objects or abstractions - that stir your senses in a satisfying way.
Best, Mark Ferguson